King Size Down Comforter

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King Size Duvet Covers

A Duvet cover is simply a cover for a duvet or "down" filled comforter. Duvet covers, like comforters themselves, can be constructed of many different types of material. Cotton, acrylic, microsuede and even thin, soft leather can be used to make a duvet cover.

Duvet covers can be a good investment. Especially if you've spent the time and money to get yourself a quality comforter. Duvet covers can definetly extend the life of your comforters, thus saving you money in the long run.

Things to consider

 As with most products, when you are shopping for and purchasing a king size duvet cover for a king size down comforter, quality is key. Take the time to do your research and ask questions. Once you find the duvet cover in the correct size and right color, there are other things to consider. The weight of the cover may be a factor. If you are planning to use the cover in warmer climbs or during the summer months, then a bulky or heavy duvet cover may not fit the bill.  A heavily textured cover may not be a good idea if it is going to be used in a place that is prone to excessive dust.  Cleaning the cover must also be considered. Most duvet covers are meant to be removed from the comforter they are protecting so they can be cleaned. Check whether or not that the cover you want to purchase is machine washable. If you are looking for a kingsize duvet cover or even a Cal King, whether or not it is machine washable may be a moot point. Cal King or kingsize duvet covers may be too large for your washing machine.


If you already own a hypoallergenic comforter, then make sure the duvet cover you get to protect it is also hypoallergenic. Determining whether or not a duvet cover is hypoallergenic should not be difficult. Most hypoallergenic products are clearly marked as such since most of the time the fact the product is hypoallergenic is one of the main selling points.